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Who Are School Psychologists?  

School psychologists help students succeed academically, socially and emotionally.  They collaborate with teachers and administrators, parents and other professionals to create safe, healthy and supportive learning environments for all students that strengthen connections between home and school.     

What Do School Psychologists Do?  

School psychologists work to find the best solutions for each student and situation; they use different strategies to address student needs and to improve school and district-wide support systems.   School psychologists work with students individually and in groups.  They develop programs to assist teachers and parents with effective teaching and learning strategies, techniques to manage behavior at home and in the classroom and work with students with disabilities or special talents.  They also assist in preventing and managing crises.   The school psychologist collaborates with teachers, parents and administrators to find effective solutions to learning and behavior problems as well as strengthen working relationships between teachers, parents and service providers.    School psychologists evaluate eligibility for special services, assess academic skills and aptitude for learning and determine social-emotional development and mental health status.    

Helpful Links:  

These links are suggestions for further parent information.   RES cannot be held accountable for the content of the websites or additional links.   National Association of School Psychologists:

Georgia Psychological Association:

American Psychological Association:  

Kid's Health:

Kid Info Homework Help:   Understanding Differences in Learning:

Council for Learning Disabilities:

LD Online/Learning Disability Resources:

National Center for Learning Disabilities:  

Children and Adults with AD/HD:

National Resource Center on ADHD: