School Announcements
ECMS Disney World Field Trip
8th Grade Students only
January 23-25, 2025
$899.00 Per Student through Kelly Tours (Trip # 18884)
September 1, 2024- 1st Payment $225.00 (non-refundable)
October 1, 2024- 2nd Payment $ 230.00
November 1, 2024- 3rd Payment $ 230.00
December 5, 2024- Final Payment Due
Eighth grade students have the opportunity to visit Disney World on a 3 day, 2 night field trip that will focus on Physics and Technology programs used by Disney and will be led by Disney Instructors. If you would like to have your child join us on this trip in January, please sign up with Kelly Tours as instructed on the third page of the informational packet. Additionally, if you decide to sign up for this trip, please keep the following information in mind. You can find the eligibility requirements below on on the final page of the informational packet.
Per the 2024-2025 Student & Parent Handbook, in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities (i.e.field trips), a student must:
● Earn a 70 or higher in 5 classes at the end of each nine weeks’ grading period
● Have less than six (6) unexcused school day absences in a 9 weeks grading period. For the purposes of eligibility, a student is considered present at school for a full day if they are present 4 of 7 periods.
● Have four or less discipline referrals in a nine-weeks’ grading period. Students who do not meet the above criteria shall lose their opportunity to participate in the Washington, DC field trip and will forfeit the non-refundable deposit.
Students are allowed to dress-down during the trip, however, students are expected to dress in accordance with the non-uniform (dress down) day policy. No sweatpants/joggers/leggings are allowed. In addition, all chaperones will be ECMS employees.(Parents are not allowed to chaperone this trip) I hope that your student will be able to join us on this amazing trip!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Helen Ward or call (912) 772-7001.
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